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Життя бентежне, але не зле, як казала одна наша знайома. Тому нам доводиться давати рекламу, щоб підтримувати сайт проекту. Але ж Вам не складно буде подивитись її? Натискати на ці посилання зовсім необов’язково , але якщо Вам щось впало до вподоби - дозволяємо . З повагою, колектив "Автури".
Heart Attack for Gourmets: Wariat’s Diary (Diary of a Cranky Man): Elements of Absurdism, Adventurism, Light Fantasy
Володимир Вакуленко-К
— Kindle Edition (Amazon),
— 129 с.
— м.Вашингтон. — Наклад 10 шт.
— Романи, новели та оповідання
Лінк із зображенням книжки:
Рецензія |
Автор рецензії: Grady Harp
Kindle Edition)
Author Volodymyr Vakulenki-K (along with translator Yuriy Sergeyev) offers an entertaining composite of edgy monologues – not short stories – but simply ramblings by 13 beings. The book is very short (29 pages only) so none of the monologues is long in space but each is so rich in humor that they bear re-reading almost the moment you finish one.
It takes a page or so to latch on to the concept of this experimental literature, but once suspending the need for relating to a cast of characters we are left with some very entertaining inner dialogues of different individuals responding to the world.
One ... [ Показати всю рецензію ]
example offers an idea of what is in store: ‘Conception - No, I’d prefer to observe movement around myself outside of the womb. And a woman feeding me from time to time is now called my mother. At least, adults say so, although I know of it myself. Wasn’t I feeling her warmth before going out? And only once, just when I appeared in this world, I cannot recollect anything. It’s a pity but when they do devil knows what with you, do you have time to remember? Not with my consciousness, but I still recollect harsh voices around, some serpentine water hissing and moving hairs of light which penetrated the very depths of my gray eyes. I was crying out loud then for what I was supposed to do when loads of gapers, and it was rather hard to breathe and see something distinct. So my memories are not too pleasant. Once it was cleared up a bit, they carried me, somehow [ Згорнути рецензію ]