life and death կյանքը և մահը життя і смерть
Тетяна Іваніцька, Sam Khatchatryan
Олена Кузьміна)
— Центр оперативної поліграфії,
— 44 с.
— м.Тернопіль. — Наклад 200 шт.
— Есеї
This small book is the summary of the project from the joint work of the participants of the «A PIECE OF PEACE» literary camp, Samvel Khatchatryan (Armenia) and Tetiana Ivanitska (Ukraine).
Several texts on the pages of this publication are an attempt to understand the philosophical questions of life and death, which permeate our entire existence.
Two random news from countries that are in difficult times. And four reflections, as an attempt to grasp eternal things.
Enjoy your reading!
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